DeCruz Ballet

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Trivia Thursday Quiz


Test your ballet knowledge!

1. What is the name of the inventor that created the doll Coppélia?

a) Dr. Sibelius

b) Sir Inventorem

c) Mr. Innovatio

d) Dr. Coppélius

2. Where does Franz see Coppélia reading at the start of the ballet?

a) Café table 

b) Park bench

c) Balcony

d) Garden

3. What year did the ballet Coppélia premiere? (source- Britannica) 

a) 1715

b) 1803

c) 1902

d) 1870 

4. What is the name of the main character who dresses up as Coppélia and tricks the inventor into thinking the doll has actually been brought to life by a spell? 

a) Swanilda

b) Saphira

c) Saoirse

d) Scarlette

5. Who composed the music for Coppélia? 

a) Debussy

b) Fauré

c) Delibes

d) Dvorak

6. Coppélia was based on a story by the author E.T.A. Hoffman. What other famous ballet was inspired by an E.T.A. Hoffman tale? (source- Brittanica) 

a) The Nutcracker

b) The Sleeping Beauty

c) Giselle

d) La Sylphide

Scroll down for answers!

1. Answer- D

2. Answer- C 

Ballet Fun Fact! Another iconic ballet also features a balcony- Romeo and Juliet! 

3. Answer- D

Ballet Fun Fact! Coppélia premiered in Paris on May 2, 1870

4. Answer- A

5. Answer- C

Ballet Fun Fact! The correct answer, Léo Delibes, also composed the music for the ballet Sylvia. Incorrect answer Fauré composed the music used in Emeralds in Balanchine’s Jewels. 

6. Answer- A

Source for questions 3 & 6-

Schwarm, Betsy. "Coppélia". Encyclopedia Britannica, 16 Feb. 2016,