DeCruz Ballet

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Monday motivation

“If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities. If you believe it won’t, you will see obstacles.”
- Wayne Dyer

Have you ever had a discussion about something very specific, then seen that topic pop up everywhere you go when you had never heard of it before? Is it almost like that very specific thing is now following you around your daily life? The same occurrence can apply to opportunities. If you remind yourself that there are opportunities out there meant for you, you will start to see them appear all around you. Trusting everything will turn out for the best no matter what can help you find those occurrences that will in fact make this true. Why put any faith in negative outcomes when there are so many positive ones all around? The more you believe things will work out the way they should, the easier it becomes to see the many different opportunities that allow for that. Having belief to hold onto through moments of uncertainty can help redirect you to a way that’s right for you. Even when we know there are countless opportunities out there, it can be hard to trust that they will become visible. But once you trust in the opportunities you want to see appear, they often become obvious.  

Have a wonderful week!