DeCruz Ballet

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Monday motivation

“We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails”
-Dolly Parton

There will always be things in life that we can’t control, but that doesn’t mean you have lost the strength and tenacity you already possess. Life sometimes goes in a direction we cannot predict. On your journey to what you want to accomplish there will always be surprising turns in the road that you weren't expecting, or perhaps a detour that takes you somewhere completely new. It’s impossible to predict the future and exactly where you will end up, but moving forward with confidence and faith in yourself will always steer you in the right direction. Remember that you always have the ability to steer yourself back on course when you feel outside forces veering you away. Because it’s not possible to control every aspect of the future, remember to hold on to the knowledge that you can direct yourself in the right direction as long as you’re listening to yourself. Trust that even on the most unpredictable pathway, you will find the way.

Have a wonderful week!