DeCruz Ballet

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Monday motivation

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” – Chinese Proverb

At the beginning of this week, remember that everything you choose to work on today becomes the foundation for tomorrow. If you are patient, whatever you dedicate yourself to will grow into something that once wasn’t visible at all. Even when you can’t see your own progress, have faith that changes are still occuring every time you decide to work toward your goals. By having patience and trusting that your dedication today will pay off in the future, you will keep growing toward everything you work for. 

Small changes are often imperceptible on their own, which is why right now is the best time to start. Over time, these small things add up and the work you put in days and weeks ago has become visible. Even if you don’t notice any progress happening, remember that while every plant also grows imperceptibly at first, there are roots taking hold under the surface. These roots, just like the work you do each day, create a foundation for something beautiful to flourish. 

You are where you are today because of your hard work in the past, so remember that what you choose to do today will always be the best preparation for the future. 

Have a wonderful and inspired week!