DeCruz Ballet

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Monday motivation

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”
- Albert Schweitzer

When you love what you do, not only is each moment spent on that endeavor more meaningful, but that love becomes part of what you put back into the world. Success is not just measured by the things you are able to accomplish, but how you accomplish them. Happiness and joy always shine through in the successes that come from working hard for what matters to you most. When you put in time and effort because you truly care about something, you begin working in a way that rings true to your spirit. Not only that, but you get to experience the reward of knowing it was created because you cared and decided to make it happen. When you spend time on something that you love, you don’t have to go looking for success.

Have a wonderful week!