monday Motivation



Today’s #MondayMotivation comes from a Misty Copeland quote. Here at DeCruz, we love this quote because her words can be applied to not just your dancing but also any moment or time in your life when you need to remind yourself of the incredible strength in how far you’ve already come.


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It’s easy to lose motivation when you feel like your goals are out of reach or too far from where you are now, but the amazing thing about goals is that even one step in the right direction shortens your journey to what you want to accomplish. If you give up because success feels too far away, you haven’t given yourself a fair chance to see how capable you are of getting there. Remember, they’re goals for a reason, and progress takes time. As soon as you start focusing your attention toward accomplishing what you want, you’re already on the right path. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and you will be there sooner than if you’d never started!


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Technique Thursday


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