Decruz ballet blog

Welcome to the decruz blog!

At DeCruz, we focus on cultivating a positive environment and sharing the importance of positivity and motivation with dancers of all ages. We believe wholeheartedly in our BeSolu mindset, which is the importance of trusting your training, harnessing your strength, spreading positivity, and being yourself. With this mindset at the heart of everything we do at DeCruz, our blog aims to inspire and motivate anyone who is passionate about ballet. We want to share our love for this art form with everyone from the littlest dancers stepping wide-eyed into the studio for the first time, to hard-working students of all ages, experienced professionals, and adult dancers attending class for the joy of it. We hope the DeCruz Blog brings some inspiration to your time in and out of the studio. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your dance journey!