Monday motivation



For today’s Monday Motivation we’re talking about the value of believing in yourself. We hope you will go into this week with confidence in your abilities! We’re especially thinking about the aspect of our BeSolu mindset that’s a reminder to #trustyourtraining.


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Wouldn’t it be so wonderful if self-doubt didn’t exist at all? Sometimes it’s impossible not to let negative thoughts about yourself and your abilities take over. Even if you know these thoughts aren’t true, it’s easy to convince yourself they are if you focus on them constantly and give them your energy and time. When doubts start taking over, they are very hard to stop. All of a sudden you might wonder when you stopped believing in the abilities you know you possess which make you the capable and talented person you are.

For the past two weeks of Monday Motivation, we talked about the power of believing in your abilities and celebrating your achievements, so this week is the perfect time to start putting that positive mindset to use. If you feel a negative or self-deprecating thought start to creep in, think about the things you love about yourself, and remember a time you achieved something you never thought you’d be able to accomplish. Believing in yourself can start small, even if that means just pretending to trust your abilities at first. When you practice this positive mindset and begin replacing your doubts with confidence in the things you love about yourself and your accomplishments, this positivity will eventually turn into real belief and confidence. You will be amazed at what you can do with less negative self-talk to get in your way! 


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Technique Thursday