Monday motivation



"You never know if you can actually do something against all odds until you actually do it."
- Abby Wambach




When you start working toward a goal that you know will take a lot of hard work and time, it can sometimes feel intimidating and scary. It’s easy to start second-guessing yourself and spending time wondering if putting in the hard work might not be worth it, and there might be a small part of yourself that worries it will be too difficult. If you let yourself get stuck in this mindset before even starting out towards what you want to accomplish, you are allowing yourself to give up before you even begin. Instead, remind yourself of all the incredible things you can achieve through working hard and believing in your abilities- which we’ve talked about in our previous Monday Motivation posts! When you decide to dedicate your energy fully toward accomplishing what you truly want, it will be worth every moment of hard work when you suddenly realize you have achieved exactly what you set out to do.





Brisé and Brisé volé