Monday motivation



“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” - Arthur Ashe




It’s Monday again, which means the beginning of a new week full of possibilities. Each day holds the exciting opportunity to follow your ambitions and start in the direction you want to go. But what if you are nervous about the potential challenges of the day ahead, or you feel unsure if you have what it takes to succeed? Well, the truth is you are already prepared- right now, and with all the skills you already have. 

Sometimes we hold ourselves back from being our best each day because we don’t feel like we have the tools or preparation we need to meet our challenges and goals head-on. It’s easy to feel scared to reach for what we want to accomplish because we feel like we’re not ready. Or maybe we feel it’s necessary to be in a different, more accomplished place in our life to truly “deserve” being successful. It’s not hard to fall into a habit of feeling like if we just had a tiny bit more time we could become the person and dancer who is “qualified enough.” But, as easy as it is to be afraid that you don’t have the preparation you need, there’s never a better moment to start than right now. Recognize that your experiences and training have prepared you for the exact path you want to travel. Remember our BeSolu motto and trust your training. 

With or without realizing it, you have picked up an abundance of knowledge and tools from everything you’ve done and everywhere you’ve been so far in your life. As this week’s quote says, “use what you have.” Along with that, know that what you have right now is more than enough to get started. By just being where you are at this moment in time, you are already qualified to go bravely forward. Trust that you can begin exactly where you are, and use the skills you already have, and you are prepared.




