Monday motivation



“Believe in yourself, your abilities and your own potential. Never let self-doubt hold you captive. You are worthy of all that you dream of and hope for.”
-Roy Bennett




One of our BeSolu mindset elements is “trust your training.” Take a moment to recognize all the hard work and time you’ve put in to be the dancer you are today. Allow yourself to feel proud of where you’ve been and what you have done. Through training and your dedication to anything you’ve decided to put work into, you have grown your abilities and skills. These will always be your valuable tools to rely on, and they all add up to having faith in what you can do. 

It can make a big difference when you decide to just trust yourself. So many good things can come from having confidence that you already have everything you need to set out after what you want to achieve. It’s wonderful to have goals, but remember you get there with the strength of recognizing how many abilities you already possess. Believing in yourself is an important starting point for any journey. 

True confidence is allowing yourself to feel proud of what you can do and to let your belief in yourself guide you through any situation. When you believe in yourself and remind yourself that everything you’ve already worked for has contributed to where you are today, you can and will carry that confidence anywhere you go. Let your abilities shine through and they will carry you far!

Have a wonderful week!



Monday motivation


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