Monday motivation



Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.
-Carol Burnett




If there’s something you want to accomplish, whether it is big or small, the first step toward making positive changes toward a goal is deciding to just start heading in that direction. When you realize that you alone can control your journey by going toward what you want to achieve or change, you gain the freedom to pursue your dreams without waiting until the perfect opportunity.

When you decide you want to change your life for the better, it makes such a difference to realize there is no better time than today to begin. Encouragement and support from those around you is a helpful motivation for any journey, but it can be so easy to get stuck in one place waiting for someone else to tell us to just begin, or guide us forward every step of the way. You always have the choice to go ahead and commit to making positive steps and growth toward your goals. The time you spend waiting to start could be time you spend making a difference for yourself!

This week, think about what you want to work toward and reflect on whether you are waiting around for someone other than yourself to tell you to start on those goals. If you have something you’ve always wanted to accomplish, why wait? You can do this.

Have a wonderful week!



Monday motivation


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