Monday motivation



“Failure is success in progress.”
-Albert Einstein




Failure can sometimes feel like a door has slammed shut in front of us that we will never be able to open again. Perhaps when this happens it feels like we will slide backward and the progress we made up until that point will be instantly erased.

But what if, instead of turning away from that closed door or sliding back down a hill of hard work, we saw that door as a challenge to look around and find a key? And what if we looked down and realized where we stand on top of the hill has a beautiful view and in the far distance is the place we started from?

Instead of seeing failure as a dead end, remember that there is always another way around. The temporary roadblock in front of you is only there to help you find alternate and better routes and learn to use your compass. The decision to go forward and figure out a better way allows you to chart your own route to success, creating a more well-traveled and fulfilling journey. Don’t let closed doors and steep hills define where you go.

Have a wonderful week!



Trivia Thursday Quiz


Trivia Thursday Quiz