Monday motivation



“You don't always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go and see what happens."

— Mandy Hale




Sometimes we get so focused on making a plan and following every step of that plan that we lose sight of where we are actually going. Yes, plans are good and can help us feel organized, but they are just a tool and should be able to shift and change to lead us somewhere even better than we had imagined. Because the future is always unknown, sometimes creating a plan doesn’t help point us in a specific direction and instead makes us feel confined to a journey that may not even align with what we want. If you’re feeling stuck or uncertain of your next steps, remember that you don’t always need a plan. Sometimes the best and most freeing route begins when you look up from your map and trust that you are ready for whatever lies ahead.

Have a wonderful week!



Trivia Thursday Quiz


Monday motivation