Monday motivation



“If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.” -Thomas A. Edison




Today,  take a moment to reflect on accomplishments that you are proud of and remind yourself that you are capable of so many incredible things. You might not have imagined you were capable of those achievements when you were working toward them- until they materialized. Whenever you start to doubt your abilities, remember that every time you have succeeded it has been by simply using the capabilities you already possess. 

Immediately ruling out what you don’t think you can accomplish will always waste time and slow you down. Instead, allow yourself to go forward with the knowledge that you have inexhaustible potential so long as you believe in yourself. Practicing this mindset allows you to truly trust yourself and what you can do. When you trust yourself and your abilities, you will be amazed time and time again at what you can accomplish. 

This week’s quote is a reminder that we are capable of more than we ever realize and if we just trust our abilities we can achieve things beyond what we ever thought possible.

Have a wonderful and inspired week!



Monday motivation
