Monday motivation



“If you accept the expectations of others, especially the negative ones,
then you never will change the outcome.”
-Michael Jordan




We’ve talked a lot about trusting your own abilities and believing in yourself in past Monday Motivation posts, but it can be especially difficult to do so if you have negative expectations and doubts from people around you. Believing in yourself takes constant practice, and it’s a valuable skill to be able to hold onto self confidence and trust even when outside voices are saying otherwise. It’s essential to remember that no one other than yourself has the ability to put limits on what you can achieve. 

If your confidence starts to feel shaken by outside expectations, take a moment to recenter yourself. No one has the same journey as you, and no one except yourself has the power to put limits on your own capabilities. You, more than anyone, know just how capable and ready you are to meet any challenge. Often, these outside expectations come from a place of others’ insecurities and their own self doubts. Remember, your abilities are never dependent on how much anyone else believes in you, and true self worth can only come from within. Recognize that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses and it is your ability to maintain your confidence through the ups and downs that will take you as far as you want to go. 

This week, notice if you are taking in the expectations of those around you and minimizing what you tell yourself you can accomplish. Instead of allowing this to stop you from your full potential, remind yourself that you ALWAYS have the power to be your best self by believing in your own worth.

Have a wonderful and inspired week!





Monday motivation